Biodry technology
Biodry technology is a natural, safe and permanent solution based on a natural physical principle which stops moisture from gradually rising up through the structure. It does not involve the use of any invasive or aggressive methods. Biodry is 100% effective because it is the only system that understands the true cause of this pathology and acts on it.
No chemical additives, electromagnetic emissions or invasive interventions are used on the building. This is what makes our device so great. Capillary ascending moisture is the continuous flow of water molecules that rise up through porous building material, drawn upwards from the moisture in the ground. Despite the force of gravity, moisture is drawn high up into the walls, exceeding, in some cases, two metres in height.
Moisture-related problems in walls cause salt crystallization. Crystallized salt looks like white powder and weakens the structure of the building destroying bricks, causing stone to crack and paintwork and wall coverings to chip away. The increase in humidity levels also promotes the growth of mould and fungi, which cause unpleasant odours and a number of health problems.
How does Biodry work?
The building is exposed to naturally occurring electrical interferences which create an electrical potential difference inside the wall. As the electrical potential rises, the cohesive force of the water molecules increases, as does the building material’s capacity for capillarity.
Once the Biodry device has been installed, it picks up the natural electric signal like an antenna and sets its frequency. (Physical phenomenon known as resonance).
The Biodry device adapts to the terrestrial signal and reflects it in the opposite direction (phenomenon known as COUNTERPHASE). Two equally intense opposite forces cancel each other out according to the law of physics. In this way, Biodry eliminates electric interference and then electric potential.
The signal is transported through the natural waves in the earth’s magnetic field within a range of a few tens of metres without creating any electrosmog. The walls lose the electric characteristic that caused increased capillarity and they dry out naturally thanks to evaporation and gravity.